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Mediterranean Diet and Exercise Improve Working Memory in ...

Mediterranean Diet and Exercise Improve Working Memory in
Adherence to the Mediterranean diet and physical activity was linked with enhanced working memory in school-age children in a recent study.

Young stu­dents fol­low­ing the Mediterranean diet and exer­cis­ing reg­u­larly demon­strated improved work­ing mem­ory, accord­ing to the results of a new study.

Working mem­ory refers to a sys­tem in the brain respon­si­ble for tem­porar­ily hold­ing and manip­u­lat­ing infor­ma­tion nec­es­sary for per­form­ing com­plex cog­ni­tive tasks.

The researchers believe their find­ings should be con­sid­ered when devel­op­ing pub­lic pro­grams and edu­ca­tional poli­cies tar­get­ing school-age chil­dren.

See Also:Health News

Working mem­ory is a short-term mem­ory; it is the abil­ity to remem­ber infor­ma­tion and to build on it,” Laura Dellolio, a researcher at the University of Bologna and co-author of the study, told Olive Oil Times. ​It is like hav­ing a black­board one can take notes on, retain and elab­o­rate on.”

Using a stan­dard test in work­ing mem­ory research, the researchers gave 106 stu­dents aged 6 to 10 from the north­ern Italian town of Imola a series of num­bers to remem­ber, ask­ing them to repeat the num­bers back in reverse order.

By grad­u­ally adding new num­bers to the series, thus increas­ing the dif­fi­culty of the chal­lenge, sci­en­tists could test the lim­its of the effi­ciency of the stu­dents’ work­ing mem­ory.

We did not expect these results, as the ben­e­fi­cial effects of the Mediterranean diet on stu­dents have rarely been researched, and they are usu­ally broadly asso­ci­ated with well-being and gen­eral health,” Dellolio said.

Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet is a way of eat­ing that is based on the tra­di­tional dietary pat­terns of the coun­tries that bor­der the Mediterranean Sea. The diet empha­sizes the con­sump­tion of plant-based foods, includ­ing fruits, veg­eta­bles, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds and extra vir­gin olive oil, with mod­er­ate amounts of fish, poul­try and dairy prod­ucts.

The researchers explained that bet­ter work­ing mem­ory is linked with improved learn­ing skills, affect­ing aca­d­e­mic achieve­ment and oppor­tu­nity.

Language skills, read­ing com­pre­hen­sion, math­e­mat­ics and rea­son­ing are all impacted by work­ing mem­ory. ​It is a func­tion that con­tin­ues devel­op­ing until about 12,” Dellolio said.

Along with prob­lem-solv­ing, self-con­trol and men­tal flex­i­bil­ity, work­ing mem­ory is among the main exec­u­tive brain func­tions, all of which are inter­re­lated.

Research has proven that phys­i­cal activ­ity and the Mediterranean diet affect cog­ni­tive func­tion,” Francesco Esposito, a researcher at the University of Bologna and co-author of the study, told Olive Oil Times. ​It has also shown that the intake of polyphe­nols and other Mediterranean diet con­tents impact cog­ni­tive health.”

In the lat­est edi­tion of the MedDiet pyra­mid, phys­i­cal activ­ity is shown at the base of the pyra­mid,” he added. ​That is because dietary habits and phys­i­cal activ­ity are strictly con­nected, so they are con­sid­ered together.”

It is a vir­tu­ous cir­cle,” Alice Masini, a researcher at the University of Bologna and co-author of the study, told Olive Oil Times. ​One can­not say if more sig­nif­i­cant phys­i­cal activ­ity comes from health­ier dietary choices or vice versa. They are two aspects deeply linked to each other.”

When we see the data col­lected from the par­tic­i­pat­ing schools, we can­not say if the out­come is due to the dietary habits or to the phys­i­cal activ­ity, as the focus is on the whole of the impact and out­comes,” she added.

To eval­u­ate the Mediterranean diet adher­ence of the stu­dents, researchers col­lected data from par­ents and care­givers about their children’s eat­ing habits.

Using a bench­mark food index, researchers assigned pos­i­tive and neg­a­tive scores to the dif­fer­ent food choices to mea­sure the impact of healthy and less healthy diets.

See Also:Mediterranean Diet Might Mitigate ADHD in Children, Study Suggests

As an exam­ple, the index assigns a pos­i­tive score to the reg­u­lar daily con­sump­tion of veg­eta­bles,” Rossella Sacchetti, a researcher at the University of Bologna and co-author of the research, told Olive Oil Times. ​On the con­trary, it gives a neg­a­tive score to dietary intake that does not belong to the healthy model of the Mediterranean diet, such as not hav­ing break­fast, eat­ing fast food or con­sum­ing sweets daily.”

Thanks to this index, we were able to pair the food scores of the pupils to their work­ing mem­ory abil­i­ties,” she added. ​Previous stud­ies focused on the con­sump­tion of spe­cific nutri­ents or spe­cific groups of foods.”

The data col­lected from stu­dents and fam­i­lies also show a tan­gi­ble rela­tion­ship between a father’s edu­ca­tion sta­tus and a student’s healthy food intake and work­ing mem­ory out­comes.

According to the researchers, these find­ings demon­strate how fam­ily-based fac­tors deter­mine cru­cial aspects of chil­dren’s cog­ni­tive func­tions.

That rela­tion­ship was very evi­dent in all our analy­sis,” Esposito said. ​The fathers’ degree of edu­ca­tion was linked to the fam­i­ly’s socio-eco­nomic sta­tus and the children’s work­ing mem­ory. This impacts healthy food choices and sport prac­tice oppor­tu­ni­ties.”

However, the researchers said fur­ther stud­ies inves­ti­gat­ing the cog­ni­tive health impacts of fol­low­ing the Mediterranean diet and exer­cise must be done to con­firm these find­ings.

If we want to estab­lish and under­stand a cause-effect rela­tion­ship [between Mediterranean diet adher­ence and work­ing mem­ory func­tions], such lon­gi­tu­di­nal stud­ies should unfold across longer peri­ods of time,” Sacchetti said.

Our future research will also focus on how dietary habits and phys­i­cal activ­ity can exert a role in deter­min­ing the inhibitory abil­i­ties of chil­dren, which are essen­tial to devel­op­ing self-con­trol suc­cess­fully,” Masini added.

The research team said they are cur­rently work­ing on more broad research around the impact of con­sum­ing the Mediterranean diet on young stu­dents.

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