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Justin Gaethje vs. Rafael Fiziev full fight video highlights

Justin Gaethje vs Rafael Fiziev full fight video highlights
Get Justin Gaethje vs. Rafael Fiziev full fight video highlights for Saturday’s UFC 286 co-main event.

Watch Justin Gaethje vs. Rafael Fiziev full fight video highlights from the co-main event of UFC 286, courtesy of the UFC and other outlets.

UFC 286: Edwards vs. Usman 3 took place March 18 at The 02 in London, England. Justin Gaethje (24-4) and Rafael Fiziev (12-2) clashed in a pivotal lightweight contest in the night’s co-main event. The fight aired live on ESPN+ pay-per-view.

Catch the video highlights below.

For more on Gaethje vs. Fiziev, check out the live blog by MMA Fighting’s Jed Meshew.

Round 1

Gaethje is out in orthodox, Fiziev in southpaw. He starts with a low kick immediately and then shifts to orthodox. Gaethje lands a thudding leg kick of his own. And we’re right at it, man.

Fiziev switching stances and holding the center. Gaethje on the outside, trying to find an angle in. Measure from both. Fiziev cutting the cage well. Gaethje lands a slapping body kick. Fiziev lands one of his own.

A lot of patience from both men to start. Interesting. Fiziev comes up short on a combo. He’s got some speed in those hands. Exchange from the two and Gaethje lands a right hand but Fiziev lands two! Both men hold up well.

Gaethje lands a good uppercut into a clinch. Fiziev lands a mean knee. Back to space. Fiziev steps in, Gaethje angles out. So much patience. And Gaethje lands a clubbing left as Fiziev steps in.

Gaethje is feinting some level changes. Fiziev kicks to the body. A lot of speed and he’s landing combos. But Gaethje is wearing shots well. He’s just not finding enough shots of his own. The speed is too much right now.

Fiziev lands a good stepping uppercut. Gaethje lands a clubbing right. Fiziev a left off the exchange. Both men more controlled than I imagined and Gaethje goes for a double-leg! Fiziev immediately gets his hips back and Gaethje backs out quickly. Then lands a leg kick.

Gaethje ducks his head right into a MONSTER knee and Gaethje is fine. They clinch and Gaethje swings HEAVY to end the round, catching the shoulder. Solid start.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9 Fiziev.

Round 2

Good, solid round. Both men swinging with power, but measured. Trevor Wittman tells Gaethje to slow down on the hooks, he’s over-swinging.

Both men meet in the middle and we’re right back to it. Fiziev still holding the center. He’s got great eyes, defensively. And he rips a NASTY body kick that Gaethje eats. He’s looking a bit puzzled though. He cannot figure out the timing.

Gaethje feints a takedown into a left hand but Fiziev catches it on the arm. And he lands another big knee as Gaethje ducks his head. He’s got a read on that. Gaethje clubs a big right hand.

Fiziev misses wildly with a spinning back fist and after a collision we get a break in the action for an eye poke. Fiziev showing some damage on that eye now. Not sure if it’s from the poke.

Fiziev lands a good elbow. Gaethje goes up to with a kick that gets blocked. Feints coming from both men now. That eye starting to bother Fiziev now. He lands another body kick. Gaethje charges in, exchange, knee from Fiziev, clubbing right from Gaethje.

BIG COMBINATION FROM GAETHJE. 2 hooks get Fiziev moving back but he takes them well. Gaethje upping the output now. He is drawing Fiziev into a brawl and he’s starting to land. Fiziev lands a body kick but Gaethje with a combo. Fiziev’s chin is outstanding.

A wild exchange! Both men inside and clubbing one another. Fiziev’s other eye is bleeding now too. Another exchange of hooks. Fiziev is definitely losing some hand speed and it’s letting Gaethje get into this.

Gaethje attacking with a lead left hook. And a low kick. Neither man jabbing much. And he eats another kick. Fiziev showing the damage on that lead leg. Gaethjemaking this a real Gaethje fight.

Body kick from Fiziev but he wats a left hand and another cut opens up on his face. Gaethje is bringing the car crash. And Gaethje pulls a full swung left hand right as the horn sounds, avoiding a late strike.

MMA Fighting scores the round 10-9 Gaethje, 19-19 overall.

Round 3

Fiziev definitely looking the worse for wear in the corner. Several cuts and Gaethje breathing freely. Maybe that repaired nose is helping. Wittman tells Gaethje to put Fiziev on his heels. All to play for.

They tap it up to start the final round. Gaethje trying to take the center but eats a big shot! He seems to be okay but Fiziev lands another knee and Gaethje might be hurt. He’s fighting through but Fiziev pouring it on.

And now Gaethje combos back. Fiziev has to wonder what Gaethje is made of to be eating some of these shots. Shifting shot from Gaethje. Body kick from Fiziev. Collision. Knees from Fiziev in the clinch. Break.

Combos. Wittman screaming at Gaethje to attack. He grabs a single. Breaks with a right hand that misses. Gaethje now jabbing. Lands 3. And another. Fiziev coming forward. His eye is so busted. He charges in and wings a shot. Body kick. Gaethje with a combo. And popping the jab.

Combo for Gaethje. Jab. Fiziev slowing down. Eats a huge right hand. 2 minutes and the fight is dead even. Major uppercut from Gaethje. Jab. Jab. Fiziev showing a ton of damage. But good body kick into right hook.

Gaethje firing. Fiziev firing back. This is all heart. Gaethje thudding a jab. That’s been a huge development. NASTY uppercut from Gaethje. Body shot from Fiziev. Another uppercut from Gaethje and Fiziev is busted open. Gaethje getting that jab going.

40 seconds and this fight has been as advertised. Gaethje lands a MONSTER right hand and Fiziev somehow is still in this. This has been a car crash. Left hand from Gaethje. Uppercut. This man is incredible and he scores a takedown before the final horn to put a stamp on it!!

What a friggin’ performance.

MMAFighting scores the round 10-9 Gaethje, 29-28 Gaethje overall.

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