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Remember the significance of observing our Flag Day

Remember the significance of observing our Flag Day
Today is Flag Day. Flag Day deserves the respect of each and every one of us. Especially during the always ongoing turbulent social times. After all, we are all Americans first and foremost. Some seem to forget that. Flag Day doesn’t carry the same clou

Today is Flag Day. Flag Day deserves the respect of each and every one of us. Especially during the always ongoing turbulent social times. After all, we are all Americans first and foremost. Some seem to forget that.

Flag Day doesn’t carry the same clout as many holidays. It isn’t part of holiday offs/let’s party themes that other summer holidays boast like Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day. But as free American citizens we should all pause today and acknowledge the significance of our flag. And, yes, it does carry significance. Always.

Ten of thousands of American have fought for and sacrificed — some with their very lives — to preserve the American way of freedom and democracy. Our flag represents fairness to all of its citizens. It represents opportunities for all of its citizens. Ask someone in a communist or suppressed third world country if they would embrace a flag day that represents the kind of personal liberties and choices that we have. Including the right to peaceful demonstrations. And, sadly, liberties taken for granted so often it seems by so many Americans. If you are in a need of a strong dose of humility, just go visit a local cemetery where hundreds of flags have been placed since Memorial Day on the graves of veterans.

Flag Day commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States. That happened on June 14 by resolution of the Second Continental Congress in 1777. President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation officially establishing June 14 as Flag Day. That was in 1916. Flag Day is not an official federal holiday but should be treated like one.

Pennsylvania became the first and only state to celebrate Flag Day as a state holiday. Ohioans and the good citizens in our own area will certainly have their flags out Tuesday. Some display flags year-round. Good for them. Impressive it is looking skyward on a clear and sunny day and seeing a waving American flag against a bright, blue backdrop. If you have a flag, make sure it is out and properly displayed, especially on this day. When its time comes, make sure it is properly disposed. The rest of us should appreciate those who take time and expense to fly the flag.

Our flag represents so much that makes up the very fabric of our American way. Foremost is our democratic nation with the individual freedoms it represents. Never forget that. Especially on Flag Day. Especially during the always ongoing turbulent social times. Let’s all give a heartfelt salute to Old Glory. Let it never cease to wave for all Americans.

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