ESPN reporters promote Disney Plus service with eyebrow-raising tweets
- Disney launched its new streaming service Disney Plus on Tuesday, pitting the company against the likes of Netflix and Amazon Prime.
- Several employees at ESPN, which is owned by Disney, tweeted out messages promoting the new platform, with NFL insider Adam Schefter saying, "It will change lives."
- On Twitter, some critics questioned the blurring of lines between journalism and promotion from the ESPN employees, while others joked at Schefter's extreme endorsement.
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Disney launched its new streaming platform Disney Plus on Tuesday, bringing Disney into the streaming wars against the likes of Netflix and Amazon Prime.
The launch was heavily promoted across all types of media but received some odd and somewhat confusing plugs from reporters at ESPN, including NFL insider Adam Schefter and NBA insider Adrian Wojnarowski.
"Big day for the new Disney+ service," wrote Schefter. "It will change lives."
—Adam Schefter (@AdamSchefter) November 12, 2019
—Adrian Wojnarowski (@wojespn) November 12, 2019
Other ESPN personalities also tweeted about their excitement for the new streaming service, including Stephen A. Smith, Matthew Berry, and John Buccigross.
—Stephen A Smith (@stephenasmith) November 12, 2019
—Matthew Berry (@MatthewBerryTMR) November 12, 2019
—Bucci Mane (@Buccigross) November 12, 2019
Schefter, Wojnarowski, and Smith have a combined 15.8 million followers on Twitter, making their co-signing of the service no small favor but rather a hefty dose of advertising.
On Twitter, some took issue with the blurring of journalistic lines, while others joked at the degree to which Schefter had hyped the streaming service.
—Kevin Draper (@kevinmdraper) November 12, 2019
—Drew Magary (@drewmagary) November 12, 2019