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function lee_formatPackage(oService){
try {
var bOnlyModal = true;
var oSettings = lee_getPackageSettings(oService.HomeMembership);
var newService = {};
if(parseInt(oService.WebFeatureFG) === 2) return false;
if(oService.WebStartPrice != ''){
var custom = JSON.parse(oService.WebStartPrice);
$.each(custom, function(k,v){
newService[k] = v;
if(bOnlyModal && newService.in_modal && newService.in_modal.toLowerCase() === 'false') return false;
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newService.has_featured_class = newService.featured ? 'featured-package' : '';
newService.sort = parseInt((newService.sort) ? newService.sort : oSettings.sort);
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newService.level = oService.HomeMembership;
newService.html = oService.WebOfferHTML;
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newService.format_dollars = (price.format_dollars) ? price.format_dollars : '';
newService.format_cents = (price.format_cents) ? price.format_cents : '';
newService.start_at_rate = (newService.fixed_rate === 'true') ? 'for the low price of' : 'starting at';
if( !newService.term ) newService.term = 'per month';
newService.has_promotion_class = '';
if( newService.promotional_price && newService.promotional_price != '' ){
newService.has_promotion_class = 'has-promotion';
var promotion = lee_formatPackagePrice(newService.promotional_price);
newService.promotional_price = promotion.cost;
newService.promotional_format_dollars = (promotion.format_dollars) ? promotion.format_dollars : '';
newService.promotional_format_cents = (promotion.format_cents) ? promotion.format_cents : '';
newService.special_title_class = newService.special_title ? 'has-special-title' : '';
newService.special_label_class = newService.label ? 'has-label' : '';
newService.action_button = 'Sign Up';
if(newService.disabled === 'disabled'){
newService.start_at_rate = 'Call us at';
newService.start_price = '800-362-8333';
newService.term = 'to get started';
newService.action_button = 'Call Today';
'id': newService.level,
'name': newService.title,
'price': newService.start_price,
'brand': "madison.com",
'category': 'subscription',
'list': 'Block',
'position': newService.sort
return newService;
} catch(e){
if(window.console) console.warn(e);
return false;
function lee_sortPackages(property) {
var sortOrder = 1;
if(property[0] === "-") {
sortOrder = -1;
property = property.substr(1);
return function (a,b) {
var result = (a[property] b[property]) ? 1 : 0;
return result * sortOrder;
function lee_getPackageSettings(sPackage){
case 'dob':
return {title: 'Digital Basic', sort: 0};
case 'dop':
return {title: 'Digital Plus', sort: 1};
case 'dopl':
return {title: 'Digital Platinum', sort: 2};
case 'silv':
return {title: 'Silver', sort: 3};
case 'gold':
return {title: 'Gold', sort: 4};
case 'plat':
return {title: 'Platinum', sort: 5};
function lee_replacePackageTokens(sPackage, oService, sCol){
var hasPromotion = false;
$.each(oService, function(k,v){
if( k === 'html'){
v = v.replace(new RegExp('{{domain}}', 'gi'), 'madison.com')
.replace(new RegExp('{{site_name}}', 'gi'), 'madison.com')
.replace(new RegExp('{{business_name}}', 'gi'), 'Capital Newspapers Inc., madison.com')
.replace(new RegExp('{{site_phone}}', 'gi'), '800-362-8333');
sPackage = sPackage.replace(new RegExp('{{'+k+'}}', 'gi'), v);
if(sCol) sPackage = sPackage.replace('{{col}}', sCol);
return sPackage;
try {
var oPackages = [],
oFeatured = false,
sHtml = '',
sTemplate = $('#lee-service-template').html();
$.each(window.leeMembershipPackages, function(i, oService){
var oService = lee_formatPackage(oService);
if(oService.featured === 'true') oFeatured = oService;
if(oPackages.length === 0){ throw 'No packages defined'; }
if(!oFeatured) oFeatured = oPackages[0];
if(oPackages.length === 1){
sTemplate = $('#lee-service-template-single').html();
} else {
case 6: var sCol = '2'; break;
case 5: var sCol = '5ths'; break;
case 4: var sCol = '3'; break;
case 3: var sCol = '4'; break;
case 2: var sCol = '6'; break;
default: var sCol = '12'; break;
$.each(oPackages, function(i, oService){
sHtml += lee_replacePackageTokens(sTemplate, oService, sCol);
$('#lee-services-list .packages').html(sHtml).promise().then(function(){
$('#lee-services-list .loading').hide();
$('#lee-services-list .packages').css('opacity', 1);
if( $('.lee-featured-subscription').length > 0 && oFeatured ){
var html = $(this).html();
if( !oFeatured.featured_button_text ){
oFeatured.featured_button_text = oFeatured.promotional_format_dollars+oFeatured.promotional_price+oFeatured.promotional_format_cents+' '+oFeatured.term;
} else {
oFeatured.featured_button_text = 'Join for '+oFeatured.format_dollars+oFeatured.start_price+oFeatured.format_cents+' '+oFeatured.term;
html = lee_replacePackageTokens(html, oFeatured);
if(oFeatured.promotional_price) $(this).addClass('has-promotiom');
if( $(this).hasClass('show-after-loaded') ) $(this).show();
} catch (e) {
if(window.console) console.warn(e);
window.lee_fetched_services = true;
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Ryan Braun connects for a two-run double to tie the game at 5 in the ninth inning Monday night in Pittsburgh. The Brewers went on to win in 11.
MILWAUKEE — With the Miami Marlins' coronavirus outbreak threatening to derail Major League Baseball's attempt at a 2020 season, players around the league are keeping a watchful eye while trying to balance their jobs and personal concerns.
Even for the Milwaukee Brewers, who have managed to avoid a single positive test since the season began and have avoided some of the testing problems that have plagued other teams , the reality is hard to ignore.
"It's disturbing and unsettling," veteran outfielder Ryan Braun said during a video conference with reporters Tuesday afternoon before the Brewers faced the Pirates in Pittsburgh. "It's a reminder of just how precarious the situation is that we're in."
That situation is trying to play professional baseball in the face of a global pandemic that has shown little signs of slowing any time soon. While many people face some sort of stay-at-home order and are urged to avoid any travel that isn't essential, MLB players, coaches and staff are traveling the country on airplanes and buses, staying in hotels and utilizing different facilities.
To protect teams, MLB and its players' union devised a 113-page health and safety manual but as the Marlins, whose season is on hold for at least a week after 17 positive tests, have proven, even the best plans can't create complete protection from the virus.