BJJ TIP: HIRE a legit Strength Coach NOW! Jake Benson, Jimmy House, Joshua Settlage, etc.
Look, if you want to compete in BJJ nowadays, most folks HAVE to do strength work. Especially at the higher levels. At my most recent comp, everyone I competed against told me how strong I was, and well it matters. I walked away with A Gold, two silver, and a bronze at my first ibjjf. All the top athletes in BJJ are hiring legit strength coaches now. In this video I talk about some of the methods that got me strength on the map. This video is more of an overview, I plan to go more in depth in each topic later on. Correction: In video I said Jake Sullivan was Mason Fowlers coach but I meant Jake Benson. Joe Sullivan is a powerlifter who works with Jake Benson. Joe is also a great coach Mason Fowler is working with Jake Benson 0:00 Intro 1:59 What led to this video 5:15 My strength numbers in the gym 7:00 If not elite numbers why am I strong? 7:26 Long term consistent strength training 9:00 Elite BJJ athletes hiring top name streng