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Diablo 4: How To Respec

Diablo 4 How To Respec
It's easy to refund skill points and respec to a new build in Diablo 4 – what is not as easy is how much gold respeccing can cost.
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  • How To Respec Skill Points in Diablo 4
  • Respeccing Costs Gold in Diablo 4

Choosing a build in Diablo 4 is no simple matter, and oftentimes a Legendary piece of equipment can completely change the build a player had in mind. All games in the Diablo series, including Diablo 4, offer players some way to go back to the drawing board and select abilities (and attributes) all over again.

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The difficulty of respeccing changes from game to game. Diablo 2, for example, gave players a single respec for each difficulty, for a total of three possible respecs on each character. Diablo 3 went the complete opposite direction and let players change abilities and builds at will, with no cost. The respec system in Diablo 4 is somewhere in between.

How To Respec Skill Points in Diablo 4

In Diablo 4, players can respec within the skill menu itself. They don't need to talk to a crone at the Encampment, nor do they need to be in a town hub or other safe area. To see the skills and abilities menu, open the inventory anywhere in the world and select the "ABILITIES" tab. Here, players can see currently selected skills and passives.

To reallocate skill points in Diablo 4, players can either refund every point at once, or take them away one by one. By refunding every point at once, players can start with a fresh slate and reallocate points starting from the top Basic Skills category – but a clean start isn't always what's needed to improve a build.

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To make adjustments to a build rather than resetting it, scroll over an ability that doesn't fit anymore, and either right-click on PC or hold down the refund button prompt on console. This removes one skill point from the selected ability, but it won't remove skill points if it's required for other abilities.

When respeccing one skill point at a time in Diablo 4, start from the bottom and work upward, and remember to remove skill points from secondary modifiers for abilities, too.

Respeccing Costs Gold in Diablo 4

Diablo 4 makes it very easy to respecialize, but the convenience comes with a cost – literally. For the first ten levels, players are able to freely refund and reallocate skill points in Diablo 4 as much as they want, though the selection is pretty limited. This helps players get a feel for what their class is like, but after reaching level 10, respeccing starts to cost gold.

The price is far from exorbitant, at least to begin with. In the level 10 to level 20 bracket players will hardly notice the impact on their wallet – the character in the image above is level 23, when it costs around 78 Gold to refund each point.

But the price of refunding skill points rises as players spend more in their class tree. By max level, players can expect to pay thousands of gold to refund just one point, and hundreds of thousands to respec completely into the best builds in Diablo 4.

This doesn't just count for skill points acquired from leveling up. Prices will increase when players spend skill points earned from quests, acts, and the paragon points system. Players have a lot of time to get familiar with their class and try out lots of options, but as max level draws closer, it's a good idea to decide on a build to avoid these endgame costs.

Diablo 4 is available for PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, and Xbox One and Series X|S

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