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Ramaswamy pledges to draw voters of color from Dems

Ramaswamy pledges to draw voters of color from Dems
"A lot of Americans, white and Black alike, have been duped,” said Ramaswamy.

Vivek Ramaswamy has freely spoken out on race and racism while on the campaign trail, where he has steadily climbed in recent polling. | Paul Sancya/AP Photo

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy vowed Friday to attract “voters of diverse shades of melanin” to the polls if he is chosen as the 2024 GOP nominee.

Referencing a POLITICO report detailing the dissatisfaction of Black and Hispanic voters with the economy under President Joe Biden, Ramaswamy told Fox News that the GOP can win over voters of color in the next election.

“I think this is a very significant opportunity … if the Republican Party has the good sense to step up and seize it,” Ramaswamy said. “If I’m the nominee, as I expect and hope to be, we will bring along voters of diverse shades of melanin in droves and win this election in a landslide.”

According to results from a HIT Tracking Focus Group study, eight men of color who voted for Biden in 2020 expressed disappointment with “Bidenomics” — with some saying they preferred the economy under former President Donald Trump.

“A lot of Americans, white and Black alike, have been duped,” Ramaswamy said Friday night. “They understand the economy is in the toilet and their experience of it is no different just because they are fed the politics of racial division. If we stand up and speak the truth, we end up winning.”

Ramaswamy, the son of Indian immigrants in Ohio, has freely spoken out on race and racism while on the campaign trail, where he has steadily climbed in recent polling.

The fourth of Ramaswamy’s 10 central campaign “truths” asserts that “reverse racism is racism,” and the self-proclaimed “non-white nationalist” has been vocal about his own experiences pursuing the “American dream.”

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