Albion Tire Shop Performs Good Deed

It’s always nice to hear some good news, these days. Political parties have done a good job at attempting to divide the Nation, whether it’s by class, race or a simple belief in God. In the midst chaos, there are still kind acts of kindness. Michigan State Troopers recognize a local tire shop that went above and beyond the call to duty to help two people in need.
A Michigan State Trooper was on patrol in Calhoun County, traveling in Lee Township, when he received a call from dispatch concerning a vehicle that had broken down and was causing a road hazard. Rural countryside in the vicinity of R Drive North/24 Mile Road is quiet and peaceful. He came to the intersection of the roads and saw the disabled vehicle. The description was the same as the description. He discovered that the two female occupants had a flat and had been left alongside the road overnight. They were then sleeping in the car. The women didn’t have the money for tow truck assistance or knew of any family or friends that could help them out.

The Trooper was familiar with the area and knew of a nearby tire shop located just a couple of streets over at 20154 26 Mile RD. He decided to contact them in order to find out if they could assist. Well, Pullen’s Tire Repair came through with flying colors. The Pullen service truck arrived on the scene and the driver removed the tire that was damaged from the vehicle and replaced it with a brand new one. The Trooper requested that a bill be prepared and that he stop by to pay it later. The repair shop owner refused to do this. The owners, Frank and Stephanie Pullen, along with the serviceman all said that they were just glad that they were able to help someone needing assistance.
A press release was issued by the Trooper to local media, thanking them for their kindness and letting the public know about it. One other person deserves credit for showing compassion for two fellow humans, who were left in the lonely countryside and faced with difficult times. The Michigan State Trooper...who searched for a nearby tire shop, and then offered to pay it out of his own pocket.
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