Bad Joke Telling | Super Troopers 2
The cast of Super Troopers 2 goes head-to-head in Bad Joke Telling. Who can last longest without laughing at these TERRIBLE jokes!? Check out Super Troopers 2: 4/19 @ 4:20pm Super Troopers Smokin’ Double Feature The double feature will play in theaters throughout the US and attendees will receive a collectable mini poster while supplies last. 4/19 @ 8pm Super Troopers 2 shows start 4/20 Super Troopers 2 official opening day Tickets: COMMENT with a bad joke! We\'ll pin our favorite and maybe use it in a future episode! WATCH more episodes of BAD JOKE TELLING! → Dude Perfect: → Philadelphia 76ers: → NFL 2017 Pro Bowl: → NFL 2018 Pro Bowl #1: → NFL 2018 Pro Bowl #2: → NFL Bad Dra