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Richard Rose: Ohio Man Dies of COVID-19 after Anti-Mask Post

Richard Rose Ohio Man Dies of COVID19 after AntiMask Post
Richard Rose posted that he was not buying a mask or joining the hype of COVID-19. He went to a packed pool and passed away from coronavirus a few weeks later.


Richard Rose passed away on July 4 from complications of COVID-19, just a few days after he tested positive for the coronavirus. Now posts are going viral online that show him saying he didn’t believe in wearing masks back in April. Heavy has confirmed that those posts are indeed authentic. In mid-June, he posted about attending a crowded outdoor public pool, and later said that he thought he may have caught coronavirus there. Many people who knew and loved Rose have posted tributes to him, including a paranormal group where he was well known, and funds are being collected for his funeral costs.

Rose Posted About Not Wearing Masks in April & About Visiting a Packed Pool in June

Here’s the post that has gone viral.


Unfortunately, the posts are true. Heavy was able to verify them. In late April, Rose did indeed post that he was not buying a mask. He didn’t indicate in later posts whether or not he had changed his mind about masks.

Heavy was able to verify this post, which was shared on April 28.


Then on June 13, checked into the Put-in-Bay on South Bass Island in Ohio, posting “Round 2” and then sharing how crowded it was there.


On June 13, he posted a photo of a crowded pool full of people. Rose wrote: “It’s not that packed lol.”


Rose later wrote on Facebook that he thought he caught COVID-19 when he was at the Bay attending the event above.

Another Facebook post shows he visited the S&M Bar on June 15, before he started feeling sick and was later diagnosed in late June.


In July, He Shared that He Was Sick with Coronavirus & Having Trouble Breathing

Rose became ill with coronavirus in late June. On July 1 he wrote: “I’ve been very sick the past few days. Symptoms of Covid-19. This morning I finally got swabbed. I should know soon what the results are. I just want to feel good again!”


In response to one person’s question, Rose wrote that he thought he caught COVID-19 when he went to the Bay the week before.


He said he had gone a few weeks before and then wrote, “I seriously think that’s where I contracted if I test positive.”

Then later on July 1, he confirmed that he tested positive. He wrote: “Well. I’m officially under quarantine for the next 14 days. I just tested positive for COVID-19. Sucks because I had just started a new job!”


When someone replied to that post and asked if he knew how he got it, he simply wrote back, “nope.” Another person wrote that they hoped a person he had been with at the Bay didn’t have it too.

One person wrote to him and said that they felt terrible about downplaying the virus now that someone they knew was sick from it.


Rose wrote that he felt “wore out” and “I can barely breathe now” when someone asked him how he was feeling. He later wrote that he had a new job but because of the quarantine, he wouldn’t be able to go back to work until July 21.

Then on July 2, the next day, he posted about his symptoms getting worse in a heartbreaking message. “This covid sh** sucks! I’m so out of breath just sitting here,” he wrote.


He answered a few additional questions about how he was feeling. He said that he was not given hydroxychloroquine and that he was only given an inhaler for treatment. The laughing reactions in the screenshots are from people who trolled his page later after his posts went viral.


In another heartbreaking update, he shared that he hadn’t been able to sleep for two days.


According to his obituary, Richard Rose III passed away on July 4. He was born on July 25, 1982.

On July 3, he posted a meme that his friends said really demonstrated his personality and sense of humor.


One friend wrote about the meme above: “I didn’t think that this would make me laugh one day and the next day I’m filled with grief. Rest in heaven, you were one of the good guys.”

Another person replied: “Legit first thing i saw when i opened my Facebook startled me just a little. Rip rick im gonna miss your witty posts and the stories of what put u in Facebook jail this time.”

Another friend wrote in response to the meme:

This just popped up on my feed, one day old. It is horrible that this damn disease took a person so full of life but, God Bless him, he decided to go out on a joke. One that makes us sad and miss him, but also one that makes us laugh because it’s so damn fitting. Well done, sir. Well done indeed. You got us all one more time.”

Friends are posting tributes and talking about how much they miss him. One friend wrote: “He drove me and my daughter to and from Canada in Feb/March to meet up with friends. I just can believe that I’ll never hear him laugh in person again or have him scare the crap out of me again either. He will be missed.”

Another friend shared that Rose was only in his 30s and healthy.

Nick Conley wrote in a public post: “This was my friend Richard Rose. Rick was diagnosed with COVID-19 on July 1. Rick lost his life 3 days later on July 4th. Rick was healthy as far as we know and was only in his 30’s. Rick was like a lot of my friends, and didn’t feel the need to wear a mask because he was young and healthy. Please know that this virus is real. Just because you don’t personally know someone effected yet doesn’t mean it’s not real.”


Another friend wrote that Rose was a combat veteran that they loved and will miss. His obituary shared that he was in the Army for nine years and served two tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.

He Streamed on Twitch & Was Involved with Paranormal Groups. A PayPal Fund Has Been Set Up for Funeral Expenses.


Rose streamed on Twitch under the name Gh0stGamingTV. He had 835 followers.

Haunting History posted a video in tribute to Rose.

Richard Rose Tribute/Paranormal StudiesAs a tribute to our friend, Richard Rose, we are streaming the original Paranormal Studies pilot with a psa filmed by Rick as well as a short memorial piece at the end. Rest in Peace good buddy. If you want to help with the funeral costs, a collection has been set up at

The group has set up a PayPal fund to cover funeral costs here.

According to Haunting History, Rose was part of their original Paranormal Studies pilot. The Paranormal Studies Facebook page also posted a tribute to him.

Another friend made a tribute post to him that you can watch below.

VideoVideo related to richard rose: ohio man dies of covid-19 after saying masks were hype2020-07-10T17:04:11-04:00

Some friends said they were hosting a get-together in his honor, but masks and social distancing would be required.


One friend shared the heartbreaking news that he died just a few days after he was diagnosed.

Another friend had a tattoo in his honor and wrote: “Now with this tattoo we will never be separated. … I love you Brother and I’ll see you again one day.”

READ NEXT: Daily COVID-19 Updates

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