Superintendent wishes everyone a rewarding and relaxing summer

Dear PWCS Families, Employees, and Community,
As another school year ends, I want to extend a hearty congratulations to the Class of 2024!
The school year has been filled with both challenges and successes that have afforded us the opportunity to learn, grow, and move PWCS forward in fulfilling our collective vision to ensure every student graduate on time with the knowledge, skills, and habits of mind necessary to create a thriving future for themselves and their community.
I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all PWCS students for your diligence, resilience, and the endless talents that you have shared with us every day. I sincerely appreciate our families for your continued partnership, engagement, and support. I am grateful for and inspired by our hard-working staff, gifted faculty, and dedicated administration. I am proud and honored to serve as the superintendent of this great school division comprised of a thriving community of learners and leaders.
Building a strong school system is a collective effort, and the tremendous progress we have made toward meeting and exceeding our strategic plan goals is a testament to the tenacity of every stakeholder in PWCS. Together, we will continue to make a positive and lasting impact for the betterment of our students, schools, and communities.
As we conclude a successful 2023-24 school year, now is the perfect moment to reflect on our personal growth, cherish the relationships we have built throughout the year, and express gratitude to those who have made a difference in our lives and the lives of our students. This is also an ideal time for us to set new and more ambitious goals for the next school year and seek feedback that will further continuous improvement and academic excellence.
This will be the final letter of the 2023-24 school year. I encourage you to stay informed about PWCS through our website, and look for back-to-school information from your schools and the division later this summer.
I wish everyone an enjoyable and relaxing summer, and I look forward to the opening of a brand-new school year on August 19, 2024.Sincerely,LaTanya D. McDade, Ed.D.SuperintendentPrince William County Public Schools