SoCal Celebrates National Taco Day – Annenberg Media
Did you know it’s National Taco Day. Mya Mariey Vinnett visited three LA taco shops to find out how they celebrated the occasion.
This isn’t any ordinary taco Tuesday. It’s October 4th, National Taco Day and taco restaurants are going all out in celebration of the delicious dish.
Byron Gomez, the general manager at Chica’s Tacos in Culver City knows just how much his restaurant is feeling the excitement. Today's special is a $3 taco.
Byron Gomez : We have already distributed 600 tacos to companies in the area. Grubhub placed an order for 400 tacos. The most popular tacos that we have right now, they’re really hitting the market for that. It’s the shrimp taco, which actually we launch it at on July of this year. Then there are the fish tacos and the beer batter. It’s one of the most popular tacos that we have along with the other few, which like the steak, the slow brace, beef and jackfruit, and also the crispy taco for the vegetarian, you know, people out there, you know, and vegan people.
There are many ways to celebrate this day, just like there are different tacos. For Tito’s Taco shop today is a chance to give back.
Mario Presa: This is the fifth year that Tito’s Tacos partnered with Tito’s Vodka. They’re doing it because they want to collect money and donate it to the art foundation of Culver City. So everything that’s going to happen today money wise, tickets donations everything... It will go directly to the Culver City Art Foundation.
From Culver City to South LA near USC at Bill’s Taco House it’s just another day of comida and community, according regular customer Donald Dillon.
I’ve been coming to Bill’s tacos for over 20 years. Uh, Bill’s have really served our community well. And without Bill’s taco here, I don’t know what we would do.
For restaurant owner Eva Won, taco’s aren’t just for one day, they’re for all of life’s days.
Eva Won: I used to work in a sandwich shop before. This one. This one is my favorite. I am always happy when I wake up. I want to go to the taco place. I’m gonna go to the taco house. This one is my favorite.
For Annenberg Radio News, I’m Mya Mariey Vinnett.