Lori Harvey Was Head Over Heels When She Saw What Boyfriend Michael B. Jordan Got Her For Her Birthday, And Who Wouldn't Be TBH
15 Jan 2021

Michael knows exactly what she likes!

Michael knows exactly what she likes!
Lori Harvey is one lucky lady! She received 15 bouquets of white roses from her boyfriend, Michael B. Jordan, in honor of her 24th birthday.
"Thank you, baby," Harvey wrote on her Instagram Stories over a pic of the gorgeous flowers.
The photo was liked over a million times, and it didn’t take long before they gave each other cute nicknames.
The duo revealed they like to call each other "turtle" and "nugget" in the comments section of Harvey’s birthday pic.
After Jordan commented, "Gimmie!! Sheeesh!! Happy Birthday Turtle!!" his beau responded, “Thank you, nugget.”
And with that, I think Jordan and Harvey are one of the cutest couples of 2021.
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