Kareem Abdul-Jabbar to Attend Lakers-Thunder as LeBron James ...

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is expected to attend Tuesday night's game between the Los Angeles Lakers and Oklahoma City Thunder, with LeBron James trailing Abdul-Jabbar's all-time scoring record of 38,387 points by just 35 points.
Dave McMenamin @mctenKareem Abdul-Jabbar is expected to be at the game as well, as the NBA's guest. LeBron's former CLE coach Ty Lue, now coach of LAC, previously said he planned to come for James' record breaker. With the Clippers off tonight, will he be here? "Hell yeah," Lue told ESPN. https://t.co/mAmElkADfa
Abdul-Jabbar is clearly rooting for James to surpass him, tweeting the following on LeBron's birthday in December:
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar @kaj33Happy birthday, LeBron. 38 is the new 38,388.
"I've been carrying the torch as record holder for 38 years," Abdul-Jabbar told CNN's Don Lemon in late January. "I'm excited and relieved to pass it along to the next worthy recipient. LeBron earned it, and I hope he carries it even longer than I did."
ClutchPoints @ClutchPointsApp"I've been carrying the torch as record holder for 38 years. I'm excited and relieved to pass it along to the next worthy recipient. LeBron earned it and I hope he carries it even longer than I did."Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's statement to Don Lemonpic.twitter.com/aCPzjYXB6I
Soon enough, the NBA will have a new all-time scoring leader. It would be a special moment if the torch was passed in Los Angeles—where both men have played for the Lakers—with Abdul-Jabbar in attendance.