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Man Tied to Natalee Holloway Disappearance Is Extradited to U.S.

Man Tied to Natalee Holloway Disappearance Is Extradited to US
Joran van der Sloot, who had been in prison in Peru, was sent to the United States to face charges related to Ms. Holloway, who went missing during a 2005 trip to Aruba.
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Man Tied to Natalee Holloway Disappearance Is Extradited to U.S.
Claire Moses
June 8, 2023Updated 4:09 p.m. ET
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Joran van der Sloot, who has been connected to the 2005 disappearance of an American teenager, Natalee Holloway, was temporarily extradited to the United States on Thursday. He arrived in Alabama around 2:30 p.m. local time from Peru.

Mr. van der Sloot, 35, has been serving a prison sentence in Peru, where he pleaded guilty to the 2010 murder of a young woman. After getting off the plane in Birmingham, Mr. van der Sloot was escorted into one of several S.U.V.s that were waiting on the tarmac.

In a photo taken through a vehicle's front windshield, a bearded man sits in the back seat. The vehicle is being driven by law enforcement officials.
Joran van der Sloot, center, was escorted to the airport in Lima, Peru, on Thursday before his expected extradition to the United States.Credit...Sebastian Castaneda/Reuters
Why it matters: He faces charges in the United States.

Mr. van der Sloot was being extradited to face federal charges of wire fraud and extortion in Alabama related to the Holloway case. Prosecutors say he tried to demand a $250,000 payment from Ms. Holloway’s mother, Beth Holloway, claiming to have knowledge of the location of the missing girl’s remains. He received $25,000 from Beth Holloway after providing false information, according to prosecutors. Mr. van der Sloot has not been charged in Ms. Holloway’s death or disappearance.

The Peruvian authorities announced last month that they would allow Mr. van der Sloot to be temporarily extradited to the United States. This week, he tried to appeal the extradition, after saying he wouldn’t.

Maximo Altez, Mr. van der Sloot’s lawyer, said his client, who is a citizen of the Netherlands, had changed his mind after meeting with Dutch diplomats in Peru, The Associated Press reported.

The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs declined to comment on the specifics of the case and did not confirm whether diplomats in Peru had visited Mr. van der Sloot.

“The Netherlands can’t get involved in the local due process in another country,” Casper Soetekouw, a spokesman, said. But he added that Dutch citizens in foreign detention could receive help from local diplomats. “That includes visiting a prisoner,” he said.

Mr. van der Sloot is serving a sentence for the murder of Stephany Flores, 21, a Peruvian student. He had met Ms. Flores at a casino, where he was attending a poker tournament, and later murdered her in a hotel room in Lima, in 2010. Mr. van der Sloot pleaded guilty in 2012 and was sentenced to 28 years in prison.

Background: A long-running unsolved mystery.

Ms. Holloway was 18 when she disappeared after a night out in Aruba on May 30, 2005, during a trip with her Alabama high school class. She has never been found, and a judge declared her legally dead in 2012. The unsolved case has generated years of public interest in the United States, including news coverage as well as true-crime books and feature films.

Mr. van der Sloot never admitted to killing Ms. Holloway. But in 2008, Peter R. de Vries, a Dutch crime reporter, organized a sting operation for his television show in which he tried to solve the case with hidden cameras.

In the episode, Mr. van der Sloot can be seen in the passenger seat of a car with an informant, skirting a confession but heavily implying that he had knowledge of what happened to Ms. Holloway.

The informant asked Mr. van der Sloot if he thought that anyone would ever find Ms. Holloway.

“No,” Mr. van der Sloot answered. “Never to be found.”

Remy Tumin contributed reporting.

Claire Moses is a reporter for the Express desk in London. @clairemoses

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