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Transcript: Sen. Joe Manchin on "Face the Nation," July 21, 2024

Transcript Sen Joe Manchin on Face the Nation July 21 2024
The following is a transcript of an interview with Sen. Joe Manchin, Independent of West Virginia, on "Face the Nation" that aired on July 21, 2024.

The following is a transcript of an interview with Sen. Joe Manchin, Independent of West Virginia, on "Face the Nation" that aired on July 21, 2024.

MARGARET BRENNAN: We're also joined in person now by West Virginia Independent Senator Joe Manchin. Good to see you, Senator.

SENATOR JOE MANCHIN: Good to be with you, Margaret.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So you have made some news this morning, Senator, saying it is time for Joe Biden to pass the torch. Did he know you were going to publicly say this?

SEN. MANCHIN: They were- they were informed. Let me make sure that we preface this by saying how we got to where we got to. After- for three weeks, I haven't said anything, because I thought after the debate that the President needs to process that and it took a week, I thought, you know, there might be some movement there. And then the next two weeks have been from my colleagues around the country, whether it be Congress, Congress districts, or whether it be states of Senators that are in really challenging areas. Now you're hearing from them and the concerns they have with down ballot and how it might affect them. Then on top of that, you have the donor class, who is showing great reserve right now. With that, and I do this with a very heavy heart in saying that, I would like for President Biden to be able to finish his five months of leading this country, truly leading this country, the way I know we can. I've known him for many, many years. He's a good person, he wants to do- he's a patriot, and he wants to do the right thing. He wants to heal and bring people together. And if at this point in time, he would pass that torch, he would be able to focus all of his energy towards in the next five months of how do we heal? How do we stop the fighting in Gaza? How do we get to a peace treaty? How do we support Ukraine so that they can have a strong position at the bargaining table? These are the things and then basically show the rest of the world how the superpower of the world is able to have a transfer of power, and do it in the most beneficial way for the whole world to see that it can be done.

MARGARET BRENNAN:  But Republicans are saying if they if he can't stand for reelection, that he can't even serve the next five months– 

SEN. MANCHIN: Let me just say about reelection–

MARGARET BRENNAN: Do you think he's capable of serving the next five months?

SEN. MANCHIN: Congressman Turner and I both understand this, that the rigors of a campaign is tough. I've been on statewide campaigns, he's in a large area and large district. These are tough, and it takes a lot of toll. The president needs to be the president. Okay. But being in a campaign mode every day, every day being a campaign mode thinking, what the next speech is going to be your next fundraiser is going to be, takes you away from the needs that we have in the world today. And in our country. I definitely believe he can do that. And I believe he can do it better than anybody else, and leave with a legacy unmatched. That's what I know can be done and should be done. And I'm just very hopeful that this torch is passed to a new generation to allow President Biden be the president I know he is and can be. We have our disagreements, we get back and forth. And- but I've- I have all the confidence in what he can do. 

MARGARET BRENNAN: How much time do Democrats have to settle this?

SEN. MANCHIN: I think the time is very short. I mean, if it goes into the camp, into the convention itself, that changes the whole dynamics. But before the convention I believe that it could be an open primary process and let the cream rise. I've got two governors in my neighborhood. I've got Kentucky, Andy Beshear, and I've got Josh Shapiro in Pennsylvania, both working in challenging areas, both able to be able to work with a legislature that does not have their own party be able not to villainize anyone who happens to have an R by their name because they have a D by their name, and bringing their states together and having some progress. Let's hear from some of the rising stars, this new generation. 

MARGARET BRENNAN: But Black women are the backbone of the Democratic Party. If you bypass the vice president Kamala Harris, doesn't that undermine– 


SEN. MANCHIN: This is not about race and gender, Margaret–

MARGARET BRENNAN: No but it's about votes. It's about turnout. 

SEN. MANCHIN: Okay. But the bottom line is 51% of those people who are participating in the voting process in America, are registered independents. They're not registered democrat or republican. Only 25% Republican and 23% Democrats. These are people that want issues solved. So worrying about whose agenda and what race you are, other than what the issues are, how do they lose Democrats like me, Margaret? A lifelong Democrat from West Virginia, I was raised and family and also an understanding that that's not my enemy on the other side, Democrats, we're basically held accountable and responsible. We are- we are basically fiscally responsible and socially compassionate. And I don't believe the government should be your- your provider– 

MARGARET BRENNAN: So if you go through this open, open process before the convention. And Kamala Harris, the Vice President emerges as a nominee, would you be able to support her? 

SEN. MANCHIN: Well it depends on what the policies are. I want to see the platform change–  

MARGARET BRENNAN: Would you be con- would you consider–  

SEN. MANCHIN: Sure I would consider– 

MARGARET BRENNAN: In a vice presidential spot on that ticket? 

SEN. MANCHIN: It's not – No forget about me–

MARGARET BRENNAN: You're not going to run?

SEN. MANCHIN: No, this is a new generation, Margaret. We've got a lot of deep people on the bench to conserve, and they have proven their mettle by being-being in an executive position. Give them a chance to rise. Give the President Biden a chance to do what he really really can do. See, I believe that the Presidents only have one six year term. I don't believe there's ever been a reelection. And why that you need a president from day one till the day they finish. So

MARGARET BRENNAN: So last night in Michigan, this is what Donald Trump had to say about the disarray among Democrats.

VOSOT DONALD TRUMP: They have a couple of problems number one, they have no No idea who the candidate is. And neither do we sort of interesting this guy goes and he gets the votes, and now they want to take it away. That's democracy. They talk about democracy. Let's take it away from them.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Do you fear that by speaking publicly not dealing with this earlier, the Democrats are not just hurting their own candidate but hurting faith in the process? 

SEN. MANCHIN: Well, first of all–

MARGARET BRENNAN: There was a primary.

SEN. MANCHIN: Let me just say this, first of all, that we saw that the convention for the Denver for the Republicans, they did a wonderful job four days. Perfectly scripted, done a great job unity. And then President Trump spoke in the last hour of his speech, never changed. So I still have the concerns about orderly transfer of power. I know that January 6th was real. I have all these concerns about his basically continuing to attack the judicial system that we have, and the rule of law, I have all those same concerns I've had, and also sending signals he might not be there to help the free loving countries that are allies and our NATO allies and people that count on us to have that leadership of freedom and be there for them. Those are my concerns with what I heard and nothing has changed.

MARGARET BRENNAN: JD Vance is from a similar part of the country that you are from, and he has made a virtue of that said he's going to go out and campaign in Michigan and Ohio and Pennsylvania. Talk about his Appalachian roots. And he calls himself the most pro-union Republican in Congress. He's railing against corporations. Do you find this pitch to be authentic? And will it work?

SEN. MANCHIN: I- JD I've always said this use whoever you send me from your state. I'm going to work every way I can to make sure they're successful. And we're all successful. I haven't had that much experience with JD because he hasn't been here that long. Seemed like a very nice person. We have pleasantries when we're together and everything. I came, not only my roots, my entire tire orchard is all about West Virginia. That's who I am. So when I see that I've been asked one time about my Democrat colleagues, they asked me So Joe, what happened to the West Virginia Democrats? I said nothing. They wonder what happened to the Washington Democrats. We've done everything you've asked us in West Virginia, we mined the coal, made the steel, built their guns and shipped, we've had more people, they've given their blood, and life's supporting our country patriotic. And now we're not good enough. We're not smart enough. And we're not green enough. What happened? We're the people that basically helped build this country, don't leave anybody behind. And so with that, that's why I am not because I believe that the far left of the Democratic Party has captured, truly, the party that I knew, and they've captured and taken away, I want to see that party come back. They should be trying to get the 51% of the independents like myself that have left.

MARGARET BRENNAN: And you think Beshear and Shapiro are the top two choices that amplify that message? 

SEN. MANCHIN: I've seen those two people operate in very difficult situations and do it successfully and not villainizing and keeping their-their states whole. That to me is accomplishment. That's what we're looking for. And that's what America- they want the sensible, moderate middle, they want basically who we are. We don't operate our life that way. How- Why is there a 51% of the people in America, this is I'm not affiliated with either party, something's wrong. And you better play to that because you're not going to win with just 23 or 25%.

MARGARET BRENNAN: If- if this change doesn't happen, and all the reporting today is that President Biden is dug in here, will you be able to support him?

SEN. MANCHIN: Again, I've said I'm not endorsing or supporting anyone right now until–

MARGARET BRENNAN: Will you even vote? 

SEN. MANCHIN: Oh, I always vote, I always vote. And I'll make that decision when I walk into the booth. But I would like to see a movement towards the sensible middle. And I've been saying that for a long time. I'm waiting to my friend Joe Biden, who I've known forever. You could always make a deal. You could always sit down, he'd bring people together. He'd always accommodate you some way. I know that, and I've worked with that for many years. That's what I'm looking for–

MARGARET BRENNAN: But now you can't get through to him? [CROSS TALK]

SEN. MANCHIN:  What I'm saying when you have Bernie Sanders on one side and Joe Manchin on the other side, that's a big chasm, that's large. You got to bring that together. We respect each other. We should be able to come together but it can't be all one way or the other.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Senator Manchin. Thank you. 

SEN. MANCHIN: It's always good to be with you, Margaret.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Thank you for sharing with us. Face the Nation will be back in a minute. Stay with us.

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