Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day Pulaski County!
9 a.m. – The Town of Dublin will hold a flag ceremony on the front steps of Town Hall.11 a.m. – This year’s Fourth of July Parade returns to the Town of Pulaski.1 p.m. – Veterans Remembrance Ceremony
The public is invited to attend the county’s annual July 4th Veterans Remembrance Ceremony to be held at the Pulaski Theatre, located at 14 West Main Street, Pulaski, Virginia, beginning at 1 p.m. This event is sponsored by the Pulaski County Board of Supervisors and the Pulaski County Courthouses Exhibits Committee.At this year’s ceremony, local Vietnam Veterans will be recognized for their service to our country as we commemorate the 50th anniversary of the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Vietnam in 1973.The event’s guest speaker will be Ben King, Operations Director for the Virginia War Memorial. Local groups participating in the ceremony include the VFW Post #1184, AMVETS Post #40, Boy Scouts, Wilderness Road Chorus, and bagpiper, Andrew Meeks. The ceremony will conclude with a 21-gun salute and the playing of “Taps” on the lawn of the Old Historic Pulaski County Courthouse at the War Memorial.Refreshments will then be served and tours of the courthouse will be conducted by members of the Courthouses Exhibits Committee.All veterans and their families are encouraged to attend as we remember and honor our local veterans and active members of our military.