Harrison Ford Reviews Jason Segel's Penis

In most professions, seeing a co-worker’s penis is something to actively avoid. There are entire industries dedicated to making sure you do not have to see your co-worker’s penis, in fact. But when you’re an actor, sometimes that’s just part of appreciating your colleague’s work. That’s the problem Harrison Ford ran into with his Shrinkingco-star Jason Segel’s body (pun intended) of work, according to Ford’s visit to The Late Show With Stephen Colbert on February 1. Before the two worked together, Ford had seen “some of” Forgetting Sarah Marshall, a film in which Segel shows his full ding-a-ling. “I watched Sarah Marshall again, and I thought it was really fantastic,” Ford said. But when another colleague asked what Ford thought of the film, Ford had only a two-word review: “Nice penis.” Segel goes full frontal in the film at, Ford would like to note, “four moments.” But, like a kind co-worker would, when Colbert asks the question on everybody’s mind, “Does your knowledge of Jason Segel’s penis have anything to do with the name of the show Shrinking?” Ford defers. Now that’s someone good to work with.