Happy Mother's Day

SAVANNAH, Ga. (WTOC) - For this Mother’s Day we asked folks in Forsyth park to simply tell us about their mom the responses will warm your heart.
“She was an encourager. She was always there for me. She loved God with all her heart, and she was the best mom ever,” Nancy Branem said.
“She has lived through trials and tribulations, and she is awesome and amazing, and she just has stamina and stoicism and she’s incredible,” Stephanie Panah said.
“Her story of coming from drugs and prosperity to being a woman of Christ, has been amazing. It’s been an amazing inspiration for me, my kids, and my whole entire family. She is about 20 years sober and free now and it’s just been amazing to see her come up and be a better person... be a better mom that she always wanted to be,” Brandon Gloster said.
“She is my hero, she’s my everything. A lot of kids they have a teddy bear or like a special blanket and my mom was that for me. I don’t have like a teddy bear or anything like that... like an attachment item. It’s just my mom,” Rachel Himes said.
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