Happy Mother's Day: A love letter to mom from ABC57

I love you mom. Your love, guidance and tolerance helped turn me into the person I am today. Thank you for always putting your kids first (even when we were a pain!). I still try to live up to your mantra at work, at home and out in the community: "Treat others the way you want to be treated." And it works!
Brian Conybeare
Anchor/Managing Editor
Ma, thank you for being the strongest person I know. You'll never know how much I appreciate the mother and grandmother you are. We love you!
Eric "Tacklebox" Bellinger
Assistant News Director
I love you mom because you taught me what unconditional love is and you are always there for me through good and bad. Not only did you show me unconditional love, you are so well known to many of my friends, former classmates, even some strangers as someone who is kind, loving and a second mother.
Tom Coomes
Chief Meteorologist
I love you mom. Thank you for your continued support through the years. I appreciate you allowing me to use the kitchen and learn how to cook, and also encouraging me to go for what I want in life.
Zack Begly
News Producer
I love you mom. Thank you for never allowing me to go hungry in your house, for continuous weather updates regardless of where I live, and for always being there to talk about the Bachelor/Bachelorette with. Thank you for your unconditional love! Happy Mother's Day!
Jena Stopczynski
Social Media Manager
I love you mom. Thank you for teaching me kindness and for always being there to talk out life's problems. I will always remember your spaghetti with pesto and all your fabulous cooking. I miss you so much. Happy Mother's Day.
David Caulfield
Dear Mom, thank you for raising me with love, patience, and the occasional threat to sell me to the circus - I wouldn't be who I am without you!
Tim Spears
NightTeam Anchor
I love you mom and you will always be my best friend for many reasons. But mainly because you were the first to tell me “you should be a major in communications since you love talking about sports”, as a freshman in college. Here I am 12 years later living my dream.
LeVon Whittaker
First Born/ Sports Reporter
I love you mom. Thank you for always having my back and guiding me in the right direction. I would be lost in life without a lot of your pointers. And I'm never afraid to fail because I know you won't be disappointed.
Sean McGarry
Executive Producer
Mom, thank you for unwavering support – in everything I do, as I navigate this thing called "life" Even though I work at a TV station (but am not an engineer), I love that you still think I can fix your TV, whenever it is broken.
Because I love you, I promise to always try my best to make sure your TV is always working. And if needed, I will buy you a new one so you can keep watching ABC57 and the CW25, to support me in my career.
Marissa Hunter
Creative Services Director
Dear mom, thank you for being an example of how to make the community a better place. You've impacted countless students, neighbors, and strangers through the years with your teaching and volunteer work. On top of that, you managed to move mountains to make sure Max, MaryClaire, and I were on the path to success. You are a force to be reckoned with, and I strive to have a heart that loves helping others, just like you.
Maci Tetrick
I love you mom! Thank you for introducing me to my love of food! Your cooking will always be my favorite. Thank you for teaching me about my culture and helping the whole family stay connected no matter where we are.
Coty Diaz
News Producer
Hey mom, love you. Thanks for your tolerance and patience over the years. You are the best, and your spaghetti ain't bad either. I hope your Mother's Day is full of laughs and great memories.
Tim Ceravolo
Executive Producer/Digital
I love you, Mom! I thank God every day that I am loved by you! Being your daughter has shaped me into the woman I am today, and I hope it truly reflects the love, encouragement, faith, and support you've instilled in me.
Oh yeah—and loving me when I get excited and talk too much. Love fiercely, be bold and put others first. I hope I'm making you proud—love you always Momma!
Summer Horan
News Anchor
Mom, you have always been not just one of my best friends, but also an amazing parent. You've taught me to give myself grace, that's it's okay to not be perfect, but that you shouldn't stop striving for better. Your support is unending, and I wouldn't be the person I am today without your continued guidance. I love you mom, happy Mother's Day!
Amber Twardy
Dear mom, thanks for being an example of selflessness and unmatched empathy for others. Thank you for always telling me I am good enough. I’m sorry for being the ROOT cause of many of your gray hairs! I love you.
Annie Kate
Multi-Media Journalist
Mom, You're the best cheerleader I've ever had. I'd be pitifully lost without your guidance, resilience and sense of humor making the brutal moments lighter. I’m wiser, kinder and braver because of you, and I always cherish the time we get to spend together. I love you!
Maura Johnson
Digital Producer
Mom, thank you for being my best friend my entire life. You are one of the kindest human beings and you make such an impact to so many lives, including mine. You also have such an infectious laugh that always puts a smile on my face every time I hear it. Thank you for all those laughs and being there just to listen to me at any time of the day. I love you and I hope you have a fantastic Mother's Day.
Aaron Stevens
News Operations Manager
Mom, you have always been there for me. You've bailed me out, patched me up, calmed me down, fiercely defended me when needed and straighten me out when it was warranted. I would not be who am without you and I love you for it. I know there have been trying times and days where you weren't sure either of us would make it through. But here we are! I am lucky to be able to call you my mom. I love you.
Todd Madding
Chief Photographer