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Vineyard faithful celebrate Celtics' championship The Martha's ...

Vineyard faithful celebrate Celtics championship The Marthas
Celtics fans may have had to wait a little longer for banner 18 than they may have liked, but that made the victory over the Dallas Mavericks Monday night even sweeter. And maybe it wasn’t as much of a ruckus as outside of North Station in Boston, but V
Islanders whooped and roared throughout the 106 to 88 Celtics victory over the Dallas Mavericks. —Hayley Duffy

Celtics fans may have had to wait a little longer for banner 18 than they may have liked, but that made the victory over the Dallas Mavericks Monday night even sweeter. And maybe it wasn’t as much of a ruckus as outside of North Station in Boston, but Vineyarders were celebrating the championship just the same on the Island.

The Wharf Pub’s front bar in Edgartown — packed much tighter with Celtics’ faithfuls than a typical Monday night — hosted at least 50 people, with all eyes focused on one of three TVs behind the bar. Islanders whooped and roared throughout the 106 to 88 victory at the highs of the game, including a half-court shot from Celtics’ guard Peyton Prichard as the half-time buzzer sounded.

The Island’s Celtic pride was probably best shown through one attendee who repeatedly shouted, “Thank you Jesus!” as he made his way out the bar and back up Main Street. With victory finally grasped, shots were poured and drinks were toasted as the championship Gods finally smiled down on the Commonwealth.

The Celtics became the winningnest franchise in the NBA with banner 18, just ahead of the Los Angeles Lakers who have captured 17. The last time the Celtics won was in 2008.

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