Ben Affleck Let His Son Drive a Car, Just to Feel Stress

Ben Affleck’s era of existential angst came to a screeching halt last year when he reunited with his former fiancée and dream girl, Jennifer Lopez. However, it appears he is missing feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders. At least, that’s the only explanation I can think of for why he recently let his 10-year-old son get behind the wheel of a Lamborghini, which went just as well as you’d expect.
Samuel Garner Affleck, the 10-year-old son of Ben and his ex-wife, Jennifer Garner, appears to have accompanied his dad and J.Lo to a car dealership in L.A., where he somehow ended up in the driver’s seat of a yellow Lamborghini worth $225,000 with the car’s engine still running. J.Lo also got in the car, but in the back seat. Huh! Anyway, what happened next is exactly what you’d expect to happen when a 10-year-old drives a car, which is that Samuel put the car in reverse and hit a white BMW parked behind him. Thankfully no one was harmed, not even the cars themselves, according to Affleck’s rep via TMZ. Yes, just a gentle little tap between two luxury vehicles!
Between this ill-advised incident, Affleck’s deeply concerning home office, and his enormous iced-coffee orders, I can only conclude that Affleck is actively seeking out reasons to take a deep, long cigarette drag and stare into the void. In which case, may I suggest he read the news?
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