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Ohio Senate Primary Election Live Results 2024: Bernie Moreno ...

Ohio Senate Primary Election Live Results 2024 Bernie Moreno
View the 2024 Ohio Senate primary election live results and map by county and district.

F. LaRose

B. Moreno

M. Dolan


Male (53%)

Female (47%)


White (95%)

Black (2%)

Not enough data

Hispanic/Latino (1%)

Not enough data

Asian (1%)

Not enough data

Other (2%)

Not enough data


White (95%)

Non-White (5%)

Not enough data


17-29 (6%)

30-44 (14%)

45-64 (42%)

65 or over (38%)


17-24 (3%)

Not enough data

25-29 (4%)

Not enough data

30-39 (7%)

40-49 (14%)

50-64 (34%)

65 or over (38%)


17-44 (21%)

Which best describes your education? You have:

Never attended college (19%)

Attended college but received no degree (21%)

Associate's degree (AA or AS) (15%)

Bachelor's degree (BA or BS) (26%)

An advanced degree after a bachelor's degree (such as JD, MA, MBA, MD, PhD) (18%)


College graduate (45%)

No college degree (55%)

Education by race

White college graduates (41%)

White non-college graduates (54%)

Non White college graduates (3%)

Not enough data

Non White non-college graduates (2%)

Not enough data

No matter how you voted today, do you usually think of yourself as a:

Democrat (3%)

Not enough data

Republican (75%)

Independent or something else (22%)

On most political matters, do you consider yourself:

Very conservative (36%)

Somewhat conservative (44%)

Moderate (18%)

Liberal (2%)

Not enough data

On most political matters, do you consider yourself:

Liberal (2%)

Not enough data

Moderate (18%)

Conservative (80%)

On most political matters, do you consider yourself:

Conservative (80%)

Moderate or liberal (20%)

White evangelical or born-again Christian?
Does anyone in your household belong to a labor union?
How do you feel about the way things are going in the country today?

Enthusiastic (2%)

Not enough data

Satisfied, but not enthusiastic (8%)

Not enough data

Dissatisfied, but not angry (43%)

Angry (46%)

How do you feel about the way things are going in the country today?

Enthusiastic or satisfied (10%)

Not enough data

Dissatisfied or angry (88%)

Do you think the condition of the nation's economy is:

Excellent (3%)

Not enough data

Good (10%)

Not enough data

Not so good (34%)

Poor (53%)

Do you think the condition of the nation's economy is:

Excellent or good (13%)

Not so good or poor (87%)

Which best describes your family's financial situation?

Getting ahead financially (15%)

Holding steady financially (55%)

Falling behind financially (29%)

Would you favor or oppose a federal law banning most or all abortions nationwide?

Favor banning (50%)

Oppose banning (43%)

How do you feel about the Supreme Court decision on abortion that overturned Roe v. Wade:

Enthusiastic (27%)

Satisfied, but not enthusiastic (34%)

Dissatisfied, but not angry (19%)

Angry (15%)

How do you feel about the Supreme Court decision on abortion that overturned Roe v. Wade:

Enthusiastic or satisfied (61%)

Dissatisfied or angry (35%)

Should most undocumented immigrants in the U.S. be:

Offered a chance to apply for legal status (24%)

Deported to the countries they came from (72%)

Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump handled his job when he was president?

Strongly approve (59%)

Somewhat approve (20%)

Somewhat disapprove (6%)

Not enough data

Strongly disapprove (13%)

Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump handled his job when he was president?

Approve (79%)

Disapprove (19%)

How do you feel about the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president?

Strongly approve (4%)

Not enough data

Somewhat approve (8%)

Not enough data

Somewhat disapprove (9%)

Not enough data

Strongly disapprove (79%)

How do you feel about the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president?

Strongly or somewhat approve (12%)

Strongly or somewhat disapprove (88%)

Do you think that Joe Biden legitimately won the presidency in 2020?
Do you consider yourself part of the MAGA movement?
Overall, do you think the Republican Party is:

Too conservative (20%)

Not conservative enough (35%)

About right (42%)

How important is it to you that the next Ohio senator shows support for Donald Trump?

Very important (55%)

Somewhat important (15%)

Not too important (8%)

Not enough data

Not at all important (20%)

How important is it to you that the next Ohio senator shows support for Donald Trump?

Important (71%)

Not important (28%)

When did you finally decide for whom to vote in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate?

Just today (8%)

Not enough data

In the last week (21%)

Earlier this year (29%)

Before that (41%)

When did you finally decide for whom to vote in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate?

In the last week (29%)

Earlier this year (29%)

Before that (41%)

When did you finally decide for whom to vote in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate?

This year (58%)

Before that (41%)

In today's Republican presidential primary, did you just vote for:

Nikki Haley (17%)

Donald Trump (77%)

Area type

Urban (13%)

Suburban (57%)

Rural (31%)


Cleveland Area (15%)

North (23%)

West (15%)

Columbus Area (17%)

Cincinnati/Dayton Area (20%)

Ohio Valley (11%)

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