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Godzilla vs Kong Trailer Breakdown: All 25 Story Reveals

Godzilla vs Kong Trailer Breakdown All 25 Story Reveals
Why has Godzilla gone rogue?

The eagerly-anticipated trailer for Godzilla vs. Kong has finally released - and here are all the Easter eggs you may have missed. The MonsterVerse has been building up since 2014, introducing viewers to its own distinctive versions of King Kong and Godzilla. The promise was always that the two Titans would collide - and at last, the much-anticipated grudge match looks set to be a reality with the new Godzilla vs Kong trailer going big.

Hollywood has a proud history of versus matches, but they've often been underwhelming; think Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, in which the title bout took only a few minutes after an entire movie's setup.The Godzilla Vs. Kong trailer promises non-stop battles between the two Titans, however, as well as an examination of the mythology underpinning them. If it lives up to this promise, it should be a classic.

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Related: Why Godzilla's First Fight With King Kong Is So Controversial

The MonsterVerse has moved at a slower pace than other shared universes, with just four films set in it over the last six years; contrast that with the MCU, which can put out four blockbusters a year. As a result, viewers can be forgiven for having forgotten some of the details. Here's our full list of Easter eggs from the Godzilla vs. Kong trailer.

25. Godzilla Attacks A City
Godzilla vs Kong trailer Attack city

The first section of the Godzilla vs. Kong trailer serves to set up the conflict. The opening scenes show what is clearly supposed to be a Godzilla attack upon a city, with military forces fruitlessly attempting to defend it, and civilians fleeing into the subways to hide. It's difficult to say exactly where in the world this is, but some of the architecture is reminiscent of South America. Later shots in the trailer will establish this is not an isolated incident, but is rather one of many Godzilla attacks. The conventional military are useless against Godzilla's might, and all human beings can do is run. But there's also the suggestion that this is actually a Mechagodzilla attack disguised as Godzilla and orchestrated by a nefarious human element.

24. Monarch Scramble Kong As Their "Only Chance"
Godzilla vs Kong Trailer MONARCH Kong Ship

A voice-over reveals Monarch has just one strategy left; to deploy Kong as a weapon against Godzilla. In truth, Monarch has learned from bitter experience only a Titan can stop another Titan; they'd previously trusted in Godzilla to serve as humanity's protector, but now they need a defense against him instead. An earlier Godzilla vs. Kong teaser used some of this footage, with a different voice-over suggesting Kong is being used as bait. The aircraft carrier he's held on presumably belongs to Monarch, who were established as possessing a Navy of sorts as far back as Godzilla in 2014.

23. Introducing Eiza González's Character, Maya Simmons
Godzilla vs Kong Eiza González's Character, Maya SimmonsUntitled

Monarch's Kong mission appears to be headed by Eiza González's mysterious new character, Maya Simmons. Little is known about Maya Simmons, although González has suggested she's a main character. "My Godzilla schedule was very demanding," she told The Hollywood Reporter, "I’m in the whole film." Demian Bichir has been cast as Walter Simmons, which presumably means he's related to Eiza's character; the MonsterVerse has regularly featured family subplots in order to create a strong sense of human drama to the spectacle.

Related: How Godzilla vs. Kong Is Avoiding The Original Movie's Biggest Mistake

22. King Kong In Chains Again As A Reluctant Monarch Captive
Godzilla vs Kong Trailer Chains

Kong appears to be a somewhat unwilling participant in Monarch's mission, with Kong, the great ape, held in chains and shown looking mournfully at them. It's interesting to note Monarch possessed chains that could apparently hold a Titan, suggesting they've become a lot more used to dealing with such creatures over the years; that said, Kong may not be especially motivated to kick up a fuss, given he's hardly in his environment at sea. This shot naturally raises the question of just how Monarch captured Kong in the first place - and the Godzilla Vs. Kong trailer moves on to answer that.

21. Alexander Skarsgård's Nathan Ling Says The World Needs Kong
Godzilla vs Kong Alexander Skarsgard Nathan Lind

There's a brief glimpse of Alexander Skarsgård's character, a man named Nathan Lind, who appears to be one of Monarch's leaders; set photos have given a more complete view of the jumpsuit he wears at points in the film, and the shoulders are emblazoned with the logo for Monarch. Skarsgård is no stranger to military roles, and he signed up for Godzilla Vs. Kong because he felt like taking a break from darker, more intense films. Here, he explains just how desperate a situation the world is in; Monarch clearly believes Kong to be its last chance against Godzilla.

20. Monarch's Fleet Join Kong In His Titanic Fight
Monarch Jets Ships Godvilla vs Kong Trailer

The Monarch fleet is reinforced by fighter jets, suggesting humanity doesn't intend to simply sit this one out and watch. Rather, this desperate Hail Mary is envisioned as an alliance between King Kong and the world's armed forces, with the sole goal of ending the threat of Godzilla. An alliance of sorts was the logical end-point of the MonsterVerse to date, although granted it's surprising to see it going up against Godzilla, who has traditionally served as another protector figure.

19. Kong's Motives Explained
Godzilla vs Kong Trailer Kong Girl Doll

The MonsterVerse has always tried to treat its CGI stars as characters in their own rights, and as a result, the Godzilla vs. Kong trailer spends quite a bit of time setting up Kong's motives for the fight. He appears to be acting out of compassion, having formed a strong emotional bond with a girl on Skull Island, and Monarch used this girl to help capture him. The child is shown presenting a doll to Kong, and voice-overs reveal she is the only one Kong will actually communicate with. It's currently unclear who this girl is, or how she developed such a bond with Kong; given this is set up in the first act, future teasers and trailers will probably answer this question.

Related: Godzilla Would Defeat Kong Immediately If He Had His Best Power

18. Kong As A Protective God
Godzilla vs Kong Girl Touch Trailer

The first section of the Godzilla Vs. Kong trailer builds to a climax in a powerful scene in which the girl reaches out to touch Kong's finger. The image is reminiscent of Michelangelo Buonarroti’s painting of God and Adam on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and suggests this child worships Kong as a protective god. Appropriately enough, that is indeed the role humanity hopes Kong will perform on their behalf by defeating Godzilla.

17. Godzilla Attacks The Monarch Fleet
Godzilla vs Kong Trailer Attack Ship

Godzilla arrives on the scene in style, tearing through one of the Monarch ships with his dorsal fins. The shot contrasts markedly with a scene in 2014's Godzilla, in which Godzilla swam underneath the USS Saratoga rather than destroy it, indicating he was not by nature malevolent. This time, though, Godzilla doesn't bother to dive a little deeper, caring nothing for the havoc he leaves in his wake. The fighter jets respond by opening fire, to no effect.

16. Godzilla Swats A Fighter Jet Out Of The Sky
Godzilla Vs Kong Trailer Plane Crash Ships

The fighter jets may not have been able to hurt Godzilla, but he clearly noticed them, because he takes the time to swat one of them out of the sky using his tail. It's a crucial reminder every inch of Godzilla's body is a weapon, one human beings are ill-equipped to stop. Again, though, this degree of antagonism is uncharacteristic of Godzilla, and frankly more akin to that of the Titans he typically opposes. Godzilla really has gone rogue.

15. Kong Issue A Challenge, Godzilla Headbutts Him
Godzilla vs Kong Trailer Ship Kong

Kong displays typical gorilla behavior in issuing a challenge to Godzilla, attempting to assert his dominance. Godzilla, for his part, responds in kind - almost upending the aircraft carrier, and causing even Kong to flinch back in shock. Previous films have shown Godzilla is able to track Titans, so he may well have been lured into this battle. If so, the brief shot demonstrates just how foolish a decision the humans have made in taking the fight out into the depths of the sea; Godzilla is in his element, whereas Kong is restricted and can only depend on his brute strength, not his inventiveness or mastery of his environment.

14. Godzilla And Kong Battle On The Aircraft Carrier
Godzilla vs Kong battleship featured

Godzilla has clearly identified Kong as his primary target, and the Titan claws his way onto the aircraft carrier in order to begin what is probably the first of several behemoth-sized brawls. The shots emphasize the sheer scale of the battle, with the shifting weight of the monsters causing the aircraft carrier to lurch in the sea as if it were just a plank of wood. Another vessel in the foreground is ablaze, suggesting Godzilla crippled Monarch's fleet before taking on Kong.

13. Kong Narrowly Dodges Godzilla's Atomic Breath
Godzilla vs Kong Trailer Atomic Breath

Godzilla is knocked back into the ocean, and Monarch's remaining vessels attempt to reinforce Kong - but the Titan responds by unleashing his greatest weapon, his atomic breath. The focus in this shot is on the sheer power of Godzilla, with his atomic breath destroying the aircraft carrier. It's interesting to note Kong jumps from the carrier, perhaps sensing the impending attack - or hinting at a history between the two if Kong had expected something like this. Godzilla is then shown departing, victorious, with Kong's fate unknown.

12. A Tease Of The Plans For Mechagodzilla
Godzilla vs Kong Mechagodzilla Plans

The focus of Godzilla vs. Kong's trailer is on the title match, but the official synopsis hints humans are the real villains - apparently “a human conspiracy threatens to wipe the creatures, both good and bad, from the face of the earth forever.” One shot offers a sinister clue as to the nature of this conspiracy, revealing what appear to be the plans for Mechagodzilla. The credits scene in Godzilla: King of the Monsters revealed Monarch was building a "mechanized giant" on Skull Island, and merchandise has indeed suggested Mechagodzilla will appear in this film. This raises a lot of intriguing possibilities. Has Godzilla been framed? Or has Godzilla gone on a tear because humanity has become an imbalance in nature? Either way, it's reasonable to assume the third act will see Kong and Godzilla team up against the robot.

11. Godzilla Goes On The Rampage
Godzilla vs Kong Gojira City Attack

The next couple of shots in the Godzilla vs. Kong trailer emphasize Godzilla is on a rampage. The trailer's structure suggests this is after his battle with Kong, but that isn't necessarily the case; this section of the trailer is dedicated to the mystery of Godzilla's uncharacteristic actions, and you'd expect those to be reflected upon throughout the film. In one shot, Godzilla continues to use his atomic breath as a devastatingly effective weapon and actually kills soldiers.

Related: King Of The Monsters May Have Permanently Upgraded Godzilla's Power

10. A Map Of Godzilla Attacks, Monarch Ties & Cover-Ups
Godzilla vs Kong Trailer Map

The Godzilla vs. Kong trailer moves on to show an annotated map. It's an amusing indicator of just how much the MonsterVerse has developed since 2014's Godzilla, since it can be contrasted quite effectively with Joe Brody's conspiracy theory maps in that film. Now, the world is openly discussing Monarch, the existence of Titans, and the reasons for Godzilla's rampage. A number of notes on the map refer to a company called Apex, believed to be a cybernetics company. It's possible Apex is the company constructing MechaGodzilla, and the real Godzilla's attacks are on sites where Apex is conducting research.

9. The Return of Millie Bobby Brown's Madison Russell
Godzilla vs Kong Millie Bobby Brown

Millie Bobby Brown is back as Madison Russell, and she appears to be operating independently from Monarch - which may be a good thing if Monarch is implicated in Godzilla's rampage. It's likely Madison was the one who compiled the map of Godzilla activity and consequently is close to figuring out the mysterious connection between Godzilla and Apex. Madison doesn't appear prominently in the trailer, but that may be a misdirect and she may have a far more sizeable role.

8. "The Myths Are Real"
Godzilla vs Kong Trailer 2

The Godzilla vs. Kong trailer divides into several sections, and the final one is dedicated to placing the clash between those two Titans in its mythological context. The myths being referred to are the legends of the ancient Titan War, teased in the redacted text of Godzilla: King of the Monsters. This revealed ancient humans worshiped the Titans, but some developed a method of telepathic communication with them, and consequently sought to control the beasts and weaponize them. There are disturbing parallels between this legend and Monarch's attempt to use Kong against Godzilla, and indeed it's possible the girl seen earlier in the trailer has a telepathic bond with Kong - akin to the character of Miki in the '90s movies.

7. A Glimpse Of A UFO And The Hollow Earth?
Godzilla vs Kong Trailer UFO Hollow Earth

This final section of the Godzilla vs. Kong trailer contains a number of mysteries - including what appears to be a UFO in the background. Aliens were confirmed to exist in the MonsterVerse in Godzilla: King of the Monsters - Ghidorah itself was an alien - and there's been speculation others exist in the Hollow Earth at the planet's core. This is clearly an alien spaceship of some kind - note the blue energy emissions - so it may suggest the battle between Kong and Godzilla somehow heads to the Hollow Earth.

Related: Godzilla vs Kong Can Reveal A Hidden King Of The Monsters Titan

6. Kong Wields A Deadly Axe, Made From Other Titans?
Godzilla vs Kong Axe Hollow Earth

Merchandize for Godzilla Vs. Kong has suggested Kong will wind up using a weapon in his battle against Godzilla - a makeshift axe formed from one of Godzilla's dorsal plates, presumably ripped off during a brutal battle. This is confirmed in a single shot of the trailer, although again note the context is unknown; there are several UFOs around Kong, perhaps hinting this part of the battle inside the Hollow Earth. The axe's shaft also appears to be a bone, glowing red, as if to denote belonging to a Titan with fire powers?

5. Kong Confronts Two New Titans, Nozuki and Warbat
Godzilla vs Kong Nozuki and Warbat Trailer

Merchandise leaks have also confirmed Godzilla vs. Kong will introduce some new MonsterVerse Titans, notably Nozuki and Warbat. The first of these is a mysterious serpent-like creature with orange and yellow bat-like wings, reminiscent of Quetzalcoatl, one of the 11 missing Titans in Godzilla: King of the Monsters, while Warbat’s wings are red. It's possible these are male and female Titans of the same species, akin to the two M.U.T.O.s seen in 2014's Godzilla. The vegetation in this shot is interesting, reminiscent of a Jurassic environment, perhaps suggesting the Hollow Earth is a place where evolution has paused.

4. Kong & Godzilla Are The Last Ones Standing
Godzilla vs Kong Axe Battle

The Godzilla vs. Kong trailer builds to a climax with the revelation the two titular Titans are the last ones standing from this ancient Titan War, which apparently saw their ancestors battling against one another for dominance of the Earth. A number of the final shots are set in another city location, although note this time it is in daylight, differentiating it from other places seen earlier in the trailer - when Godzilla was shown devastating cities at night.

3. Kong Roars As Nozuki and Warbat Attack
Kong Warbat Roar Godzilla vs Kong Trailer

Nozuki and Warbat soar down upon Kong, who stands and roars defiantly against them. Kong is once again wielding the axe formed from one of Godzilla's dorsal plates, supporting the assumption a lot of these final shots are taken from the third act. It's interesting to note there's no clear indication of Godzilla's presence in these Hollow Earth scenes, perhaps suggesting Kong will be forced to go on some sort of quest to enhance himself so he can defeat the other Titan.

Related: Only One Monster Has Met Both Godzilla & Kong

2. Kong's Axe Absorbs Godzilla's Atomic Breath
Godzilla vs Kong Axe Absorb Atomic Breath Trailer

There's another action shot of Godzilla and Kong at war, this time with Kong looking as though he's winning as he hammers his enemy relentlessly. The city in the background is back to night time, confirming the various fights are being presented out of order, so it's safe to say the trailer is carefully constructed so as to conceal as much as it reveals. Still, Kong is once again armed with the axe made from Godzilla's dorsal plate - and it proves able to absorb Godzilla's atomic breath. The Godzilla vs. Kong trailer ends with a shot reminiscent of an amusing scene in 1962's King Kong Versus Godzilla, in which Kong shoved a tree down Godzilla's throat - but this time it looks as though he'll be using Godzilla's dorsal plate, and it appears to be far more brutal.

1. "One Will Fall"
Godzilla vs Kong Axe Atomic Breath Fight Trailer

Versus matches are a dime-a-dozen in popular culture, and usually they turn into team-ups. The Godzilla vs. Kong trailer assures viewers this will be an exception, with a winner emerging from the monster fight between Godzilla and Kong. At the same time, though, it wouldn't be a surprise to see the two Titans team up in the end; they've both been treated as heroes in the MonsterVerse to date, and there have been hints of MechaGodzilla and aliens, meaning something else is clearly going on here.

More: Everything We Know About Godzilla vs Kong

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Key Release Dates
  • Godzilla vs. Kong (2021)Release date: May 21, 2021
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Godzilla vs Kong axe trailer
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About The Author
Thomas Bacon (3423 Articles Published)

Tom Bacon is one of Screen Rant's staff writers, and he's frankly amused that his childhood is back - and this time it's cool. Tom's focus tends to be on the various superhero franchises, as well as Star Wars, Doctor Who, and Star Trek; he's also an avid comic book reader. Over the years, Tom has built a strong relationship with aspects of the various fan communities, and is a Moderator on some of Facebook's largest MCU and X-Men groups. Previously, he's written entertainment news and articles for Movie Pilot. A graduate of Edge Hill University in the United Kingdom, Tom is still strongly connected with his alma mater; in fact, in his spare time he's a voluntary chaplain there. He's heavily involved with his local church, and anyone who checks him out on Twitter will quickly learn that he's interested in British politics as well.

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