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Norton Introduces Bill to Exempt D.C. Courts, CSOSA, PDS from ...

Norton Introduces Bill to Exempt DC Courts CSOSA PDS from
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) reintroduced her bill to exempt from federal government shutdowns agencies that have jurisdiction only over District of Columbia matters but are exclusively or primarily funded by the federa

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) reintroduced her bill to exempt from federal government shutdowns agencies that have jurisdiction only over District of Columbia matters but are exclusively or primarily funded by the federal government and not under the District's control. Norton emphasized that these agencies are essentially D.C. agencies that have nothing to do with federal issues or congressional shutdown matters. They provide critical criminal and civil justice services to the District and should continue to function during a federal government shutdown to protect the safety and well-being of D.C. residents.

This bill includes agencies that are exclusively funded by the federal government and are not under the District's control: the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for D.C., the D.C. Courts, the D.C. Public Defender Service, the D.C. Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure, and the D.C. Judicial Nomination Commission. The bill also includes the D.C. Criminal Justice Coordinating Council, which is a D.C. agency but is primarily funded by the federal government.

"These are criminal and civil justice agencies whose focus is exclusively on District of Columbia matters but are funded by the federal government," Norton said. "As a local jurisdiction, the District is a bystander to the federal issues involved in government shutdowns and should not be caught up in congressional shutdown fights."

Since the 2013 federal government shutdown, Norton has gotten a provision enacted each year exempting the D.C. government from federal government shutdowns.

Norton's introductory statement follows.

Statement of Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton

on the introduction of a bill to provide for interim appropriations for the District of Columbia courts and related agencies with respect to any fiscal year for which appropriations are not otherwise provided for such courts and agencies

September 18, 2023

Today, I introduce a bill that would exempt from federal government shutdowns the federal and independent agencies that are exclusively or primarily federally funded but have jurisdiction over local District of Columbia civil and criminal justice matters.  This bill is modeled on a provision I have gotten enacted each year since the 2013 federal government shutdown to exempt the D.C. government from federal government shutdowns.

This bill would exempt the following agencies from federal government shutdowns: Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for D.C., D.C. Courts, D.C. Public Defender Service, D.C. Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure, D.C. Judicial Nomination Commission and D.C. Criminal Justice Coordinating Council.  With one exception, these agencies are not under the District’s control and are funded exclusively by the federal government.  These agencies provide critical local services to the District, including law enforcement, and should continue to function during a federal government shutdown.

Each of these agencies has been adversely affected by federal government shutdowns, including canceled services and furloughed employees.  My bill would allow these agencies to continue to function during a federal government shutdown, in much the same way that the D.C. government itself is now exempt from shutting down during a federal government shutdown.

I urge my colleagues to support this important bill.


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