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When are the first exit polls released?: Here's what to know about ...

When are the first exit polls released Heres what to know about
It’s Election Day in the United States and while Americans will have to wait until polls close for official results, they will be able to first hear from voters when exit poll results begin to be released. Exit polls are conducted on behalf of the Natio

It's Election Day in the United States and while Americans will have to wait until polls close for official results, they will be able to first hear from voters when exit poll results begin to be released.

Exit polls are conducted on behalf of the National Election Pool (NEP), which is made up of members of major news organizations, including NBC.

What is an exit poll?

An exit poll is research conducted by scientific organizations of voters as they "exit" their polling places, along with telephone and other research done.

Who conducts exit polls?

Edison Research works in conjunction with the NEP to conduct the official exit polls. Edison Research is the sole exit pole data provider for the NEP.

When are exit polls results released?

The members of the NEP do not release any exit polls results before 5 p.m. ET.

"Participants in the NEP do not report any exit poll results before 5 p.m. ET on Election Day, and no exit poll results that can be indicative of the outcome of a race get reported until after all the polls are scheduled to close in a state," according to NBC News.

Here is more from NBC News on exit polling.

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