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My Sister's Keeper's Evan Ellingson Dead at 35

My Sisters Keepers Evan Ellingson Dead at 35
Director Nick Cassavetes remembers the young actor in an Instagram post.

Photo: Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Actor Evan Ellingson, best known for his role in My Sister’s Keeper, has died at the age of 35, Deadline reports. He was found dead on Sunday in his home in Fontana, CA, according to the San Bernardino County Sheriff-Coroner’s office. Ellingson’s father reportedly spoke to TMZ, explaining that his son was in a sober living home. My Sister’s Keeper director Nick Cassavetes remembered the former child star in a post, writing, “My soul is crushed today. What a kid.” In addition to his role as Abigail Breslin’s sibling in the 2009 film, Ellingson starred as two different Kyles on TV: Kyle Harmon in C.S.I. Miami and Kyle Savage on Complete Savages. He also played Jack Bauer’s nephew, Josh Bauer, in season six of 24. Ellingson has been retired from acting since 2010.

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