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China warns "external" interference in Taiwan will lead to "forceful" response

China warns external interference in Taiwan will lead to forceful response
Tensions between China and the U.S. have been shaky regarding Taiwan after Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited the self-governing island last month.

China warned world leaders to not interfere with the country's plan to reunify with Taiwan, adding that doing so would lead to severe consequences.

The big picture: Tensions between China and the U.S. have been shaky regarding Taiwan, particularly after Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited the self-governing island last month.

Flashback: Qin Gang, China's ambassador to the U.S., previously warned that further arms sales or official travel to Taiwan will be seen as provocations against Beijing and destabilize relations on other issues.

What they're saying: “Only when China is fully reunified can there be true peace across the Taiwan Strait,” Wang Yi, China’s foreign minister, said at the U.N. General Assembly on Saturday.

  • Wang added Beijing would “take the most forceful steps to oppose external interference."
  • Anyone that stands in the way will be "crushed by the wheels of history," he added.

Yes, but: The message was within the realm of normal for Chinese leadership, AP writes.

Go Deeper: Why Pelosi's Taiwan visit matters to China

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