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At libel trial, Depp blasts Amber Heard's 'sick' abuse claim

At libel trial Depp blasts Amber Heards sick abuse claim
LONDON (AP) — Johnny Depp said Tuesday that ex-wife Amber Heard had made “sick” claims of abuse and falsely branded him a monster, as the actor testified in a U.K.
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Hollywood comes to UK High Court as Depp takes on The Sun

FILE - In this Friday, Feb. 21, 2020 file photo, actor Johnny Depp arrives for the screening of the film Minamata during the 70th International Film Festival, Berlinale in Berlin, Germany. On Tuesday July 7, 2020, a judge at the High Court in London is due to begin hearing Depp’s claim against a British national newspaper and its executive editor, over the 2018 story claiming he was violent and abusive to then-wife Amber Heard.

Hollywood comes to UK High Court as Depp takes on The Sun

FILE - This Feb. 21, 2020 file photo shows actor Johnny Depp during a photo-call for the film "Minamata" during the 70th International Film Festival Berlinale in Berlin, Germany. On Tuesday July 7, 2020, a judge at the High Court in London is due to begin hearing Depp’s claim against a British national newspaper and its executive editor, over the 2018 story claiming he was violent and abusive to then-wife Amber Heard.

At libel trial, Depp blasts Amber Heard's 'sick' abuse claim

Johnny Depp, right, wearing a protective mask arrives at the Royal Court of Justice, in London, Tuesday, July 7, 2020. Johnny Depp is suing a tabloid newspaper for libel over an article that branded him a "wife beater." On Tuesday, a judge at the High Court is due to begin hearing Depp's claim against The Sun's publisher, News Group Newspapers, and its executive editor, Dan Wootton, over the 2018 story alleging he was violent and abusive to then-wife Amber Heard. Depp strongly denies the claim.

At libel trial, Depp blasts Amber Heard's 'sick' abuse claim

Actress Amber Heard, center, arrives at the High Court in London, Tuesday, July 7, 2020. Johnny Depp has a starring role in a real-life courtroom drama in London, where he is suing a tabloid newspaper for libel over an article that branded him a "wife beater." On Tuesday, a judge at the High Court is due to begin hearing Depp's claim against The Sun's publisher, News Group Newspapers, and its executive editor, Dan Wootton, over the 2018 story alleging he was violent and abusive to then-wife Amber Heard. Depp strongly denies the claim.

At libel trial, Depp blasts Amber Heard's 'sick' abuse claim

Johnny Depp, second left, wearing a protective mask arrives at the Royal Court of Justice, in London, Tuesday, July 7, 2020. Johnny Depp is suing a tabloid newspaper for libel over an article that branded him a "wife beater." On Tuesday, a judge at the High Court is due to begin hearing Depp's claim against The Sun's publisher, News Group Newspapers, and its executive editor, Dan Wootton, over the 2018 story alleging he was violent and abusive to then-wife Amber Heard. Depp strongly denies the claim.

At libel trial, Depp blasts Amber Heard's 'sick' abuse claim

Amber Heard, center, arrives at the High Court in London, Tuesday, July 7, 2020. Johnny Depp has a starring role in a real-life courtroom drama in London, where he is suing a tabloid newspaper for libel over an article that branded him a "wife beater." On Tuesday, a judge at the High Court is due to begin hearing Depp's claim against The Sun's publisher, News Group Newspapers, and its executive editor, Dan Wootton, over the 2018 story alleging he was violent and abusive to then-wife Amber Heard. Depp strongly denies the claim.

At libel trial, Depp blasts Amber Heard's 'sick' abuse claim

Johnny Depp, center, wearing a protective mask arrives at the Royal Court of Justice, in London, Tuesday, July 7, 2020. Johnny Depp is suing a tabloid newspaper for libel over an article that branded him a "wife beater." On Tuesday, a judge at the High Court is due to begin hearing Depp's claim against The Sun's publisher, News Group Newspapers, and its executive editor, Dan Wootton, over the 2018 story alleging he was violent and abusive to then-wife Amber Heard. Depp strongly denies the claim.

At libel trial, Depp blasts Amber Heard's 'sick' abuse claim

Johnny Depp arrived at Britain's High Court on Tuesday to attend a hearing of his claim against The Sun’s publisher, News Group Newspapers over a story alleging he was abusive to his ex-wife Amber Heard.

At libel trial, Depp blasts Amber Heard's 'sick' abuse claim

Johnny Depp, right, wearing a protective mask arrives at the Royal Court of Justice, in London, Tuesday, July 7, 2020. Johnny Depp is suing a tabloid newspaper for libel over an article that branded him a "wife beater." On Tuesday, a judge at the High Court is due to begin hearing Depp's claim against The Sun's publisher, News Group Newspapers, and its executive editor, Dan Wootton, over the 2018 story alleging he was violent and abusive to then-wife Amber Heard. Depp strongly denies the claim.

At libel trial, Depp blasts Amber Heard's 'sick' abuse claim

Actress Amber Heard, center, arrives at the High Court in London, Tuesday, July 7, 2020. Johnny Depp has a starring role in a real-life courtroom drama in London, where he is suing a tabloid newspaper for libel over an article that branded him a "wife beater." On Tuesday, a judge at the High Court is due to begin hearing Depp's claim against The Sun's publisher, News Group Newspapers, and its executive editor, Dan Wootton, over the 2018 story alleging he was violent and abusive to then-wife Amber Heard. Depp strongly denies the claim.

At libel trial, Depp blasts Amber Heard's 'sick' abuse claim

Actress Amber Heard, center, arrives at the High Court in London, Tuesday, July 7, 2020. Johnny Depp has a starring role in a real-life courtroom drama in London, where he is suing a tabloid newspaper for libel over an article that branded him a "wife beater." On Tuesday, a judge at the High Court is due to begin hearing Depp's claim against The Sun's publisher, News Group Newspapers, and its executive editor, Dan Wootton, over the 2018 story alleging he was violent and abusive to then-wife Amber Heard. Depp strongly denies the claim.

At libel trial, Depp blasts Amber Heard's 'sick' abuse claim

Actress Amber Heard, center, arrives at the High Court in London, Tuesday, July 7, 2020. Johnny Depp has a starring role in a real-life courtroom drama in London, where he is suing a tabloid newspaper for libel over an article that branded him a "wife beater." On Tuesday, a judge at the High Court is due to begin hearing Depp's claim against The Sun's publisher, News Group Newspapers, and its executive editor, Dan Wootton, over the 2018 story alleging he was violent and abusive to then-wife Amber Heard. Depp strongly denies the claim.

At libel trial, Depp blasts Amber Heard's 'sick' abuse claim

Court artist sketch by Elizabeth Cook, showing actor Johnny Depp, right, being cross-examined by Sasha Wass QC, left, before the judge, Justice Nicol, at the High Court in London, Tuesday July 7, 2020. The libel case by Depp against a British tabloid newspaper started Tuesday over a 2018 article that branded him violent and abusive to then-wife Amber Heard. Depp strongly denies the claim.

At libel trial, Depp blasts Amber Heard's 'sick' abuse claim

Actress Amber Heard, in red face mask at center, arrives at the High Court in London, Tuesday, July 7, 2020. Johnny Depp has a starring role in a real-life courtroom drama in London, where he is suing a tabloid newspaper for libel over an article that branded him a "wife beater." On Tuesday, a judge at the High Court is due to begin hearing Depp's claim against The Sun's publisher, News Group Newspapers, and its executive editor, Dan Wootton, over the 2018 story alleging he was violent and abusive to then-wife Amber Heard. Depp strongly denies the claim.

At libel trial, Depp blasts Amber Heard's 'sick' abuse claim

Amber Heard wears a red mask, as she departs the High Court in London, Tuesday, July 7, 2020. The libel case by actor Johnny Depp against a British tabloid newspaper started Tuesday over a 2018 article that branded him violent and abusive to then-wife Amber Heard. Depp strongly denies the claim.

At libel trial, Depp blasts Amber Heard's 'sick' abuse claim

Actor Johnny Depp leaves the High Court in London, Tuesday, July 7, 2020. The libel case by Depp against a British tabloid newspaper started Tuesday over a 2018 article that branded him violent and abusive to then-wife Amber Heard. Depp strongly denies the claim.

At libel trial, Depp blasts Amber Heard's 'sick' abuse claim

Amber Heard wears a red mask, as she departs the High Court in London, Tuesday, July 7, 2020. The libel case by actor Johnny Depp against a British tabloid newspaper started Tuesday over a 2018 article that branded him violent and abusive to then-wife Amber Heard. Depp strongly denies the claim.

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